Wednesday, 13 March 2013


She makes the sound, the sound the sea makes to calm me down. She makes the sound, the sound the sea makes, I am tired now.
Dissolve me - Alt-J

Day 6 : ... Haemoglobin 11.4 ... Neutrophils 0.16 ... Platelets 131 ...

Not much immune system left, and I think the lining of my digestive tract is deteriorating. Feeling pretty groggy today. Not even sure what TV I'm watching. My mouth tastes metallic. Food is unappealing. I moan to the nurse.
"Could you rate your pain from 1 to 10?"
Ah, that old chestnut. Presuming that 10 is cutting-your-own-arm-off-with-a-rusty-saw (127 Hours style) then this is certainly no more than a 4. But it's enough to make me happy to just lie in bed and shut my eyes. The nurse offers me pain control, and brings me... paracetamol. Woohoo!


Neil Gratton said...

I've met '10' - though by my definitions at 9+ you're not going to be in a state to answer the question. Mine was from trigeminal nerve pain - fortunately I only had a couple of instances but it was bad enough I got flashbacks after. Anyway, wishing your stem cells a merry colonisation and your bone marrow happy new growth.

Steve Haysham said...

Know what you mean. Hospital food not good at the best of times. After a stem cell transplant....impossible. Gets rid of those unwanted pounds though without even having to try... got to look on the bright side

Chip Fondue said...

You're probably watching 15 to 1, or pointless...whatever
Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Daytime tv is awful at the best of times. You're not missing much. Big hugs. X Karen T

Aline Ferrari said...

It seems to me that really good music is keeping you company! lots of love from les del res xx

Aline Ferrari said...

It seems to me that really good music is keeping you company! lots of love from les del res xx

Lorna A. said...

Your woohoo had me in stitches. She might at least have brought you paracetamol and codeine lol.

Alex Bicknell said...

To be honest, I've got so used to oxycodone as the cure all painkiller, I was not impressed with the offer of paracetamol. And it didn't work.

Unfortunately, I think myeloma sufferers get pretty acquainted with grading pain. I'm sure things could always be worse, so I've never rated anything as a 10. When things were at their worst, back in August, even getting out of bed was a 9. I know those who share a bed with a myeloma sufferer will know what I mean.